

16 - 17 Dec
Annual All-Russia youth congress “Russia. Ecology. Energy saving”
December 16 - 17, 2016,  Skolkovo Innovation Center hosts Annual All-Russia youth congress “Russia. Ecology. Energy saving” The event is held upon the initiative of “Regional power industry and power saving” journal with the support of the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of the RF, Ministry of  education and science, Ministry of economic development, Ministry of power engineering, Housing and utilities infrastructure reforms foundation and Vernadsky ecological foundation. The aim of the congress is to stimulate research potential of young scientists and present prospective projects in the field of power and resources saving. The main tasks: ·         Experience exchange within interested young professional community on the environment and energy saving ·         Support for young people who are ready to realize their projects in the field of environment and energy ·         Attracting the attention of professional community and promotion of the effective implementation of the projects created by the students and young scientists ·         Promotion of environmental and energy-saving behavior among young people This event will be an effective platform for the presentation of innovative young peoples` ideas, approaches and solutions in the field of environment and energy-saving, the exchange of experience and continuing education. One of the key events will be summing up of the competition in the field of ecology and energy-saving "My contribution in the future." In the framework of the Congress with the participation of representatives of interested ministries and agencies, the possibility of establishing an Extrabudgetary fund for maintaining the young scientists` researches in the field of ecology and energy-saving will be discussed. More information : www.ree.s-kon.ru Project Coordinator - Maria Gvozdeva Tel. 8-495-662-97-49, 8-965-441-51-17 E-mail :  info@s-kon.ru
16 Dec
Scientific seminar «Effective settlement of commercial disputes»
December 16, the Institute of Law hosts a meeting of scientific seminar “Effective settlement of commercial disputes” where participants discuss different ways of settling commercial disputes. The seminar is intended for practitioners, students, academics and all interested in the issue. When: 6 pm Where: 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., institute of Law, Room 361 Coordinator - Elena Sitkareva, ass.professor of the Department of civil and labor law. Tel.    8-495-433-14-28   e-mail:  kafedra_gtp@mail.ru
12 Dec
XII Festival “Wreath of folk traditions”
In December RUDN hosts the XII Festival  “Wreath of folk traditions”. The theme of this year - “Calendar of folk holidays”. In 2016 the festival is timed to the World Youth  and Student Festival to be held in 2017 in Sochi. Tell about your people’s traditions to the whole world! Choose your favorite holiday in the history of your people. Tell about its origin, philosophy, traditions and rituals at a conference. Make a team and show the holiday at a gala-concert.