All-Russian interuniversity scientific conference "Prevention and approaches to the treatment of blennosis in mouth cavity for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy"
All-Russian interuniversity scientific conference "Prevention and approaches to the treatment of blennosis in mouth cavity for patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy"
All-Russian interuniversity scientific conference "Prevention and approaches to the treatment of blennosis in mouth cavityfor patients receiving radiation and chemotherapy" will take place on the 29 th of Sepember.
Conference lines:
- Prevention of complications in mouth cavity and maxillofacial areas for patients receiving chemo-radiation therapy;
- Xerostomia. Features of clinic and treatment;
- The role of dental training in combined treatment;
- Modern technology and medical support of necrobiotic processes;
- Radiotherapy and bisphosphonate necrosis of jaw bones, diagnostic featuresand treatment strategies;
-Conformal radiation therapy as a factor minimizing damage to maxillofacial area.
Applications should be sent: o-stomatology.rudn@mail.ru
Indicate reporter’s name, position, name of institution, name of the report.
Speaking time: 7-10min.
Registration of participants: until September 1, 2016.
Head of organizing committee: Senior Researcher, Head of the Department for General and Clinical Dentistry RUDN, MD, professor Anatoly Avanesov, phone: 8-985-764-55-42..
Secretariat: 8-495-333-54-30; 8-985-764-55-42, 8-965-390-48-13
Meeting dedicated to European Day of Languages in RUDN IFL
September 23, 11:00
The meeting dedicated to the European Day of Languages will take place at the University on the basis of RUDN IFL.
The event is timed to coincide with significant events - the year of languages and literature of Russia and Great Britain.
Contacts: Lyudmila Egorova, Natalia Bezrukova.
Phone: +7 (495) 434-71-60 e-mail: inyaz@pfur.ru
XV International conference “Resource generating, low waste and nature protective technologies of Earth’s interior exploration” in the frame of “Restoration of Syria’s national economy” symposium
September 12 - 17, WADI International university (Syria) together with Peoples’ friendship university of Russia hold XV International conference “Resource generating, low waste and nature protective technologies of Earth’s interior exploration” in the frame of “Restoration of Syria’s national economy” symposium.
Where: Syria
Contact person:
RUDN University- Alexander Vorobyev, +7495-952-63-53 vorobyev_ae@pfur.ru
WADI University - Ivan Khalil, +7967-263-22-20, evanovich_47@yahoo.com