Round table
The 31 of May , 2017 will be held a round table "Problems of increasing the Employers Recognition Index", in which representatives of employers' companies will take part.
The following issues will be discussed at the round table: problems of increasing the attractiveness of a university graduate for employers; curricula of mathematical and IT-specialties; internships and practices for mathematicians and IT- professionals and their effectiveness and others.
The event is organized as part of the program “5-100” for increase competitiveness.
Time: 18:00
Location: Ordzhonikidze st., house 3, hall 2.
Round table "Problems of employment of mathematicians and IT professionals"
The 30 of May , 2017 will be held a round table "Problems of employment of mathematicians and IT professionals", in which representatives of employers' companies will take part, as well as a student's asset of the Faculty of science.
The following issues will be discussed at the round table:
- Staff shortages in the IT field;
- The problems of finding specialists in mathematics and their employment;
- Problems of employment without work experience;
- Internships and practices for mathematicians and IT students and others issues.
The event is organized as part of the program “5-100” for increase competitiveness.
Time: 18:00
Location : Ordzhonikidze st., house 3, hall 2.
Topical issues of psycholinguistics, theory and practice of intercultural communication and conflictology to be discussed at RUDN
26-27 May , RUDN Faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences holds an International conference «Life of the language in culture and society» aimed at sharing information and experience between the leading researchers of Russia and the world on the most topical issues of psycholinguistics, theory of communication, conflictology, theory and practice of intercultural communication and applied Russian language studies. Today psycholinguistic issues are widely reflected in teaching Russian both as native and foreifn languages. RUDN is a pioneer in teaching Russian as a foreign language and promoting intercultural communication.
On the agenda - round tables “Mythic language consciousness: everyday practices, policy and research” and “Language as a conflict tool” as well as the following sections:
- Subjectivity and identity through the prism of language and culture;
- Axiological language consciousness and analysis methods:
- Building language and non-language consciousness: tools and means;
- Speech communication issues;
- Russian language consciousness; transformation problems;
- Russian language on the Internet and TV;
- Methodology and methods of teaching Russian.
RUDN takes part in the QS World Grad School Tour international educational exhibition in India
20 and 22 May , 2017, Peoples’ friendship university of Russia takes part in the QS World Grad School Tour international educational exhibition in India.
QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) - is the leading world expert in the field of higher education and career working in 50 countries with more than 2,000 universities and 12 thousand employers.
20 May, the exhibition is in Mumbai, and 22 May - in New Delhi. RUDN is the only Russian university along with universities from the USA, Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore and other countries.
Student conference “Youth engineering thought – 2017”
17-18 May, RUDN hosts a student conference “Youth engineering thought - 2017”, where senior students will present their reports based on the latestpublications on recent achievements in engineering.
Contact: V.Konoplev,
Tel: 8-909-950-36-90
e-mail: konoplev_vn@rudn.university
Format de l'événement:
53rd All-Russia conference on dynamics, physics of particles, physics of plasma and optoelectronics
15 - 19 May, RUDN Faculty of Science hosts the 53 rd All-Russia conference on dynamics, physics of particles, physics of plasma and optoelectronics timed to the 100 th anniversary of academician Georgy Zatsepin. The conference is aimed at generalizing experience and revealing the most prospective directions in the field of dynamics, physics of particles, physics of plasma and optoelectronics and joining efforts of Russian and foreign specialists who will work at the following sections:
- Theoretical physics and gravitation theory;
- Physicsofplasma;
- Теоретическая механика;
- Optoelectronics and integral optics;
- Nuclear and neutrino astrophysics (dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of academician Georgy Zatsepin).
Format de l'événement:
RUDN takes part in the V Interdisciplinary forum «Medicine of female breast»
11 - 13 May, RUDN takes part in the V Interdisciplinary forum “Medicine of female breast”. Breast cancer is the leader among cancer diseases of females. Last year 426,4 women out of 100,000 had it, while 6,6% females died within one year after they were diagnosed with cancer. Researchers have shown clear correlation between the presence of gynecological diseases and breast problems. Doctors insist that women with gynecological diseases should be thoroughly checked for breast problems and vice versa. Successful treatment of breast diseases is impossibly unless breast is considered part of the reproductive system.
RUDN takes part in the II National congress «Oncology of reproductive organs: from prophylactics and early diagnostics to effective treatment»
11 - 13 May, RUDN takes part in the II National congress «Oncology of reproductive organs: from prophylactics and early diagnostics to effective treatment».
In the XXI century cancer is no longer death sentence - today cancer can be cured provided it is diagnosed at a very early stage. When tumors are found too late this is proof of poor preventive screening programs and population education in general.