

28 - 29 Apr
I International scientific-practical conference “Cultural and pragmatic aspects of the mediatext as an object of media linguistics” (in English)
April 28-29,  RUDN Faculty of Philology, Department of mass communications for the first time hosts I International scientific-practical conference “Cultural and pragmatic aspects of the mediatext as an object of media linguistics” (in English).
25 - 28 Apr
School for Master’s students “Chemistry of the future- today”
April 25 - 28, school for Master’s students “Chemistry of the future- today” in the frame of I All-Russia school-conference “Success of synthesis and complex formation”. Where:  faculty of Science: club conference hall, hall #2, Rooms 102, 455.
22 Apr
International scientific-practical conference ”Human rights and freedoms in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa”
April 22, 11.00 am  RUDN hosts international scientific-practical conference ”Human rights and freedoms in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa” reviewing modern practices and challenges.
20 - 22 Apr
VIII International scientific-practical conference “Innovation processes in agriculture” (together with the faculty of Forestry and Agriculture of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki)
April 20 - 22,  in the frame of the Year of Russia and Greece VIII International scientific-practical conference “Innovation processes in agriculture” (together with the faculty of Forestry and Agriculture of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki) takes place
12 Apr
Meeting of representatives of the diplomatic corps of the Arab countries with RUDN Rector V.Filippov
April 12, 1 pm representatives of the diplomatic corps of the Arab countries meet RUDN Rector V.Filippov in the frame of XVII Week of Arab culture at RUDN.
12 - 15 Apr
VII International scientific-practical conference of young researchers “SCIENCE4HEALTH2016”
April 12-15, RUDN hosts VII International scientific-practical conference of young researchers “SCIENCE4HEALTH2016” , organized by the Medical Institute and  Semmelweis University (Budapest). In the frame of the conference there will be workshops in English and Russian, dentistry, intensive care and laparoscopy Olympiads and lectures of the leading scientists.
7 Apr
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Gabonese Republic in the Russian Federation visits RUDN University
April 7 , future diplomats and international relations specialists will meet with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Gabonese Republic in the Russian Federation Mrs. Joan Rose Mamyaka