XII Festival “Wreath of folk traditions”

XII Festival “Wreath of folk traditions”

L'événement passé
12 Dec 2016
Au sujet de l'événement

In December RUDN hosts the XII Festival  “Wreath of folk traditions”. The theme of this year – “Calendar of folk holidays”. In 2016 the festival is timed to the World Youth  and Student Festival to be held in 2017 in Sochi.

Tell about your people’s traditions to the whole world! 

Choose your favorite holiday in the history of your people. Tell about its origin, philosophy, traditions and rituals at a conference. Make a team and show the holiday at a gala-concert.

We invite RUDN student associations to take part in the project! Apply in Interclub (Room  204) or online at venok-festival@mail.ru

Festival on social nets:



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