Seminar “Methods of X-ray diagnostics”

Seminar “Methods of X-ray diagnostics”

L'événement passé
1 Nov 2016
Au sujet de l'événement

The seminar “Methods of X-ray diagnostics” will be held on the 1st November at 2.00 pm.

Speaker: S. Gizha

The theme of report is MAXC Multifunctional X-ray system for comprehensive laboratory X-ray analysis. Main methods of X-ray diagnostics.

The report is about MAXC multifunctional X-ray station, based on using a liquid anode source, which is the brightest laboratory x-ray source for today.

They will make an overview of X-ray methods, implemented with the help of this system: X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray reflectometry, X-ray refractometry, small-angle X-ray scattering,X-ray fluorescence analysis, analysis of X-ray ranges absorption, X-ray microscopy and X-ray tomography.

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