Russian university gets 5 stars in 5 categories of QS Stars University Ratings

Russian university gets 5 stars in 5 categories of QS Stars University Ratings

L'événement passé
15 Mar 2017
Au sujet de l'événement

RUDN University is scored overall 4 Stars based on 8 main categories. The University has become one of 26 top world universities, including MIT and Glasgow University, recognized in this ranking as a four stars education institution. It has also become the second Russian institution, featured in this list of top universities together with Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, providing an excellent environment for students and faculty.  A typical four star university is highly international, demonstrating excellence in both research and teaching.

QS Stars developed by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, awards universities with a rating of between One and Five Stars, depending on their performance in eight criteria amongst the following: Research, Teaching, Employability, Internationalization, Facilities, Online / Distance Learning, Innovation, Culture, Access, Engagement and Specialist Criteria. The QS Stars audit evaluates an institution against over 50 different indicators, and awards universities between one and five + stars over eight wider fields, as well as an overall rating. Fox example, one of key indicators is that a university should have not less than 10 cooperation agreements signed with World's Top 500 Universities.

  The rating system aims to give prospective students, parents and professionals an additional tool to use when choosing a university, providing deeper insights into individual institutions. QS Stars is a rating system which allows to get a wider picture of an institution’s qualities, looking at everything from the employability of graduates, to sports facilities and community engagement. It independently highlights the world’s top universities in a range of popular subject areas, based on academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact. It is designed to reflect the nuanced mission of universities, and the needs of students who may be interested in things other than those to which traditional rankings are necessarily limited.

"We acknowledged that the University needed to play its role in making a ‘fresh start’ to become one of a world class institution. Scoring an overall four, which is an impressive first entry for the ratings system, RUDN was successful because of its sustained efforts to build a stronger international credibility and extend its attractiveness that can pave the way to progress, including under the "5-100" program. This is a great starting point for us as we move to establish ourselves with a rating system among word’s best universities”, University Rector Vladimir Filippov said.

RUDN University has been ranked the fourth best University of Russia among 104 Russian Universities as of the Round University Ranking.  As well as being ranked among the top 5 national universities it is also featured as the best Russian university in internationalization.

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