RUDN takes part in the II National congress «Oncology of reproductive organs: from prophylactics and early diagnostics to effective treatment»

RUDN takes part in the II National congress «Oncology of reproductive organs: from prophylactics and early diagnostics to effective treatment»

L'événement passé
11 - 13 May 2017
Au sujet de l'événement

11 - 13 May, RUDN takes part in the II National congress «Oncology of reproductive organs: from prophylactics and early diagnostics to effective treatment».

In the XXI century cancer is no longer death sentence – today cancer can be cured provided it is diagnosed at a very early stage. When tumors are found too late this is proof of poor preventive screening programs and population education in general.

It is very important that today young female patients with cancer can have babies after treatment. Oncofertility is a young field in medicine that gives hope to young women diagnosed with cancer. Extreme consolidated effort of medical doctors, health care professionals and governmental and public structures. Early diagnostics of cancer is definitely interdisciplinary responsibility.

The Congress is aimed at highlighting all best practices in preventing, early diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of reproductive organs cancer of both males and females; strengthening interdisciplinary interaction; improving dialogue of medical workers and governmental structures and public organizations

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