International Scientific Forum "Actual problems of modern linguistics and humanities" at the Institute of RUDN of Foreign Languages

International Scientific Forum "Actual problems of modern linguistics and humanities" at the Institute of RUDN of Foreign Languages

L'événement passé
16 Mar 2017
Au sujet de l'événement

March 16 Institute of the Russian University of Friendship of peoples of foreign languages ​​conducts IX international scientific-methodical conference «Actual problems of modern linguistics, and the humanities.»

For many years, the international project is an integral part of the community schools of scientists and teachers of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of ore and the Catholic University of Lille. In 2016, an international scientific project joined by another partner -Institute Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, which opened at the Department of Social Pedagogy IFL RUDN innovative experimental platform «Formation of social competence of students.»

Traditionally, international scientific forum in the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RUDN brings together representatives of Australia, Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Germany, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Colombia, Moldova, New Zealand, Panama, Russia, United States, Tunisia, Taiwan, France and Uruguay.

The scientific meeting aims to draw attention to the burning issues of the day in the context of learning and teaching languages ​​to maintain and develop long-term direction of modern linguistics and humanities, reinforcing the effectiveness of the humanitarian component of education. The Conference determines the future development of research graduate students of linguistic specialties. Attention will also be paid to the basic tenets of the Bologna process: Lifelong Learning, student and teacher mobility, the transfer of the center of gravity of the educational process with teaching load for independent work and distance education, multi-faceted technological innovations, including multi-media environment.

The conference will hear and discuss reports on the following topics:

- Problems of Public and Private linguistics.

- Problems of intercultural communication and translation.

- Lingvometodichesky problems of teaching foreign languages.

- Ways and trends in the development of national higher education: prospects, quest solutions.

- Multicultural world and issues of tolerance.

The conference will be published collection. The Editorial Board of the collection reserves the right competitive selection of texts for publication.

The conference will work student section.

Provisional Programme of Work

March 16, 2017

Call for applications - up to March 10, 2017

For non-residents: before March 6, 2017 (due to the necessity of booking a hotel or hostel).

The application must be attached the summary article in Russian (not more than 0.5 pp.).

Contact person: Deputy. Director IFL People's Friendship University of Science, Doctor of Philology, NL Ogurechnikova.


+7 (495) 434-71-60, ext. 2438.


Venue: IFL People's Friendship University, st. Maclay, 7.

The mailing address of the Organizing Committee:

117198, Moscow, ul. Maclay, d. 7, auditorium. 558.

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(IFL) of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN).

Date, time, location:

03/16/2017. Register: 11.00-11: 50.Torzhestvennoe opening: 12:00. Moscow,
Str. Maclay, 7, building number 4, Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RUDN






































11.00 −11.50

Registration for the conference

12.00 — 14.00

Plenary session

14.00 — 14.30


14.30 — 16-00

Jobs section

16.00 — 18.00

Workshops and methodical seminars with the participation of Russian and foreign specialists


Job Student sections

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