International scientific-practical conference ”Human rights and freedoms in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa”
L'événement passé
22 Apr 2016
Au sujet de l'événement
April 22, 11.00 am RUDN hosts international scientific-practical conference ”Human rights and freedoms in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa” reviewing modern practices and challenges.
Topics to be discussed:
- Islamic concept of human rights
- Governmental system of human rights protection
- Arab spring
- Ethnic and religious minorities rights
- NGO: legalstatus and activity
Where: Room 347, RUDN main building
Manifestation précédente
20 - 22 Apr
VIII International scientific-practical conference “Innovation processes in agriculture” (together with the faculty of Forestry and Agriculture of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki)
Prochains événements
25 - 28 Apr
School for Master’s students “Chemistry of the future- today”
Événements liés à latous les évènements
Evénement dédié à la mémoire de Patrice Emery Lumumba
L’Université RUDN