Open Day of the Institute of Foreign Languages RUDN March 14, 2017

Open Day of the Institute of Foreign Languages RUDN March 14, 2017

L'événement passé
14 Mar 2017
Direction: Science
Au sujet de l'événement

March 14 People's Friendship University of Foreign Languages ​​Institute held an Open Day IFL RUDN «Live and Learn» and presentation of the additional programs and additional vocational training in foreign languages, pedagogy, psychology, family counseling and management «Lifelong Learning».

Foreign Languages ​​Institute carries out fundamental RUDN academic training of students in the field of theoretical and applied linguistics, translation and translation studies, psychology, pedagogy, methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, foreign regional studies, theories of intercultural communication, public relations, advertising and management.

As part of the Open Day of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RUDN entrants will be able to familiarize themselves with the terms of admission to full-time and part-time forms of education in bachelor and master's degree in the areas of "Linguistics", "Foreign Regional Studies. European Studies-European region "and" Psycho-pedagogical education ", with double degree programs, implemented by the Institute with foreign partner universities, as well as innovative programs additional copyright and additional professional education« Lifelong Learning ».


45.03.02 Direction "Linguistics"

Profiles of training Bachelor - "Translation and Translation" and "Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures." Two foreign languages. Full-time and part-time form. Training on a contract basis and budget.

41.03.01 Direction "Foreign Regional Studies. EuropeanStudies- European Region "

Profile of specialized training Bachelor - "European region". Two foreign languages. Full-time. Training on a contract basis and budget.

44.03.02 Direction "Psycho-pedagogical education"

Profile of undergraduate training - "Psychology and social pedagogy". In-depth training in the English language. Full-time. Training on a contract basis.


45.04.02 Direction "Linguistics". Master in Russian and English languages.

· Master's Specialization - "Theory of communication and international public relations (PR)». Training is conducted in Russian and English yazykah.Dva foreign language. Full-time and part-time form of training. Training on a contract basis and budget.

· Master's Specialization - "Theory of communication and interpretation." Training is conducted in Russian and English yazykah.Dva foreign language. Full-time education. Training on a contract basis.

41.04.01 Direction "Foreign Regional Studies. EuropeanStudies- European region. " Master in Russian and English languages.

graduate specialization - "European region". Two foreign languages. Full-time. Training on a contract basis and budget.

44.04.02 Direction "Psycho-pedagogical education."

Master's Specialization - "Psycho-pedagogical bases of organizational-administrative activities." In-depth training in the English language. Full-time. Training on a contract basis.

Joint programs of undergraduate and graduate

The Institute implements:

• jointly Edinburgh University named Neypiya (UK) undergraduate programs in areas of "Linguistics" and "Foreign Regional Studies. European Studies-European Region ";

• Degree program: together with the Catholic University of Lille (France) - "Theory of communication and international public relations (of PR)" and "Trilingvalnye international relations"; in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh named Neypiya (UK) - "Intercultural Business Communication - Linguistics. Specialization: Theory of communication and international public relations (PR) ».

Being trained under these programs, students receive IFL RUDN bachelor's degree / master's degree, as well as corresponding to the selected program diploma foreign university partner.


Program additional and additional vocational training in foreign languages ​​for all categories of students

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RUDN implements for all students of the Institute and the trainees of retraining programs with in-depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, French):

- "Translator in professional communications". The program is aimed at mastering translation skills. Implemented in two formats: for 4 years and 2 years.

- "Interpreter" - a professionally-oriented program, which includes the transfer of skills and the mastery of translation practice. The program is implemented within 4 years.

- «Intercultural Dialogue - East and West» ( «Intercultural Dialogue East and West" - training program in a foreign language program to read in a foreign language (the language of on-demand listeners) are accepted graduates of business schools with a bachelor's degree and fluent in.. foreign language (the language of on-demand listeners).

- «Diálogo Intercultural Moscú - Málaga» ( «Intercultural Dialogue Moscow - Malaga") - a network of Spanish language program. Year-round training in Spain. Realizuetsyasovmestno with the International Centre of the University of Malaga Spanish language for all who wish to improve their proficiency ispanskimyazykom, to acquire the skills of preparing a business presentation, master the techniques of professional communication in Spanish.

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​RUDN accepts all who want to learn foreign languages ​​in the modular programs in foreign languages, and the short-term.

For persons with higher education, secondary special education and students are offered training programs and training in foreign languages ​​in the field of intercultural communication.

Programs of additional vocational training on psychological and pedagogical direction.

Foreign Languages ​​Institute of Ore sells for persons with higher education, secondary special education and students of professional training programs in pedagogy, psychology, family counseling, management.

Tel. +7 (495) 434-71-60, 8 (499) 432-75-08


Program additional and additional professional education

Tel. +7 (499) 432-74-41, +7 (495) 999-82-64

+7 (495) 787-38-03, ext. 2159, 2106


Start: 18.00

Contact: Natalia Y. Bezrukov

Phone: +7 (495) 434-71-60


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