Annual students’ conference “We speak Legal English, German, Spanish, French”

Annual students’ conference “We speak Legal English, German, Spanish, French”

L'événement passé
18 Nov 2017
Au sujet de l'événement

The event has been annually held since 2011. The conference is dedicated to the specific features of the legal language, the relationship of language and law, problems of legal translation / interpretation and various legal issues – international law, national laws, legal education, professional ethics, and communication.

 RUDN students, other Moscow universities (Moscow State University, MGIMO, RPA, etc.) and different regions  engage in the conference and present their papers in different      languages.
The best proceedings are honorably mentioned after the conference.

  • Geography of participants: Russia.
  • Topics of the event:
  • - philology, languages
  • Terms of participation in the event: presentation / attendant
  • Outcomes of the event: a collection of scientific publications.
Événements liés à latous les évènements
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29 May - 28 Jun
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