8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2016)

8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2016)

L'événement passé
8 Oct 2016
Au sujet de l'événement

The 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT 2016) will be held from 18 October to 20 October.

The Congress is organized by Brno University of Technology, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Tampere University of Technology, Técnico Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Setubal, Wireless System Laboratory of Brno. The representative from RUDN is the Department of Applied Probability and Informatics.  The member of the International Steering Committee from RUDN is Prof. K.E.Samuylov.

During the Congress it is expected to discuss the works on the following topics: “The next generation of wireless systems and services”, “Wireless access technologies and related systems and protocols”, “Low-level wireless technologies”, “Information and coding theory”, “Internet of Things”, “Technologies and services of digital broadcasting”, “Smart environments”, “P2P technologies”, “Social networks”, “E-commerce, m-commerce, e-government, e-learning and e-healthcare”, “Control Systems” and “Robotics and automation”.

The works of the Сongress will be included in the international databases such as EEE Xplore, Scopus and WebofScience. For more information visit the site: http://www.icumt.info/2016/.

Where: Congress Centre of Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Contact person: Pavel Abaev , e-mail: pabaev@sci.pfu.edu.ru

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